alisa GmbH is certified organic by ABCert AG / Germany.
See our up to date certification here.
The EU organic logo and labelling rules
The logo and the labelling rules are an important part of the organic regulations. With this regulatory framework the European Union provides conditions under which the organic sector can progress in the line with production and market developments, thus improving and reinforcing the EU organic farming standards and import and inspection requirements.
The main objective of the European logo is to make organic products easier to be identified by the consumers. Furthermore it gives a visual identity to the organic farming sector and thus contributes to ensure overall coherence and a proper functioning of the internal market in this field.
The labelling rules facilitate controls by authorities and bodies designated or recognised in accordance with Regulations. They also clarify the obligations of economic operators in respect of marking the organic goods they produce. The common organic symbol is protected from being used on non-organic products throughout the EU. This enhances fair competition in the market, and of course, consumer protection.

In 2007 the European Council of Agricultural Ministers agreed on a new Council Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 setting out the principles, aims and overarching rules of organic production and defining how organic products were to be labelled.
Organic farming is a way of producing food that respects natural life cycles. It minimises the human impact on the environment and operates as naturally as possible, in accordance with objectives and principles including the following:
- Crops are rotated so that on-site resources are used efficiently
- Chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilisers, antibiotics and other substances are severely restricted
- Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are banned
- On-site resources are put to good use, such as manure for fertiliser or feed produced on the farm
- Disease-resistant plant and animal species adapted to the local environment are used
- Livestock are raised in a free-range, open-air environment and are fed on organic fodder
- Animal husbandry practices are tailored to the various livestock species
THE GERMAN NATIONAL ECO-LABEL Pursuant to the EU rules and regulations on organic farming and as of 1 July 2012, pre-packed organic foods must be labelled with the EU organic farming logo, the related code assigned by the control body and a general indication of origin regarding ingredients. This applies to both organically farmed products and to organic foods which are partially processed in the European Community.Consequences for the national German Bio-Siegel:
As a protected sign, the Bio-Siegel may continue to be used unchanged and in connection with the EU organic farming logo to label organic food! The Bio-Siegel continues to be an effective marketing instrument. For over a decade now and due to consumer recognition and trust, it has been enjoying a considerable advantage over other signs or logos! Currently, the official German Bio-Siegel is used by 5.197 companies on 77.841 products (December 31 st, 2018). www.oekolandbau.de/bio-siegel

CEPA S.L. / Organic Olives and Vegetables / Certified organic by CAAE
CAAE is the certification body specializing in organic production more hectares certified in Europe. Over 1,000,000 hectares.
Since 1991 CAAE provides certification and inspection services for the food industry. The national vocation has given way to an orientation to service delivery internationally.
CAAE was pioneer in certifying organic production and the creation of standards for the development of the sector was organic aquaculture, or restoration.
CAAE is accredited by the National Accreditation Body (ENAC) under the UNE-EN-ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 for the scope of, organic production (plant, animal, aquaculture, processing for human and animal food products and Global GAP Products (Fruits and Vegetables) as stated in the technical Annex in force. in
addition, we are accredited by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) for certification activity under the USDA NOP (National Organic Program) standards.